What is the PTFA and what is it for?

PTFA stands for Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. Our primary purpose is to raise funds for extras. That is those items which fall outside the educational budget but are necessary or desirable for the children’s development and the general wellbeing of the school.

Who is in the PTFA?

We all are! We are all parents and teachers, after all! There is a committee which organises the events and we, the committee, would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us. As children leave school, so do their parents and we always need volunteers to join the committee to keep the PTFA viable. There is more information about how you can help us at the end of this letter.

What sort of things does the PTFA give to the school?

Some examples of items we have donated are:

  • Leavers books for year 6 children
  • Christmas parties and gifts for FS & KS1
  • Sports equipment
  • Footballs
  • Netball equipment
  • Sports uniform
  • Ipad Cases
  • playground equipment
  • Material for learning experience sessions e.g., handicraft materials
  • Library books & Resources
  • FS Storage shed + Outdoor area

How does the PTFA raise funds?

Throughout the year we organise fun events for the children and some for the whole family. below is a list of typical events.

  • Disco’s (appropriately themed) for infants and juniors separately (one each per term)
  • Easter bingo for all the family
  • Summer Fair
  • Christmas hamper raffle
  • Movie nights

What can I do to help?

There are 3 ways you can help us:

  • Participation – support us by allowing your children to attend their events and join in with the family events: the bingo and the summer fair. This contributes directly to our fundraising and they are also enjoyable social events.
  • Event Helper – we always need help with our events to do things like serve tea & coffee, make hot dogs, run stalls, organise games…
  • Committee Member – we organise the events and make sure we do not spend more than we raise! The committee members are all parents like you; mums and dads. Our only qualification is that we have a child at the school. We always need new members to replace those whose children have left school.

How do I join the PTFA committee?

Just ask! You can contact the PTFA committee by email at stanahPTFA@gmail.com at any time for more information. The committee is not a club for a select few, we didn’t know each other before joining, so please don’t be afraid to come along and meet us. At any other time, send us an email or ask your class teacher or the school office.

Why should I join the PTFA?

We on the committee have joined because we believe we make a difference in providing the children with those things that they wouldn’t otherwise have. We also enjoy doing it – come and join in the fun!