Having a diverse group of pupils at Stanah simply means recognising that all our pupils are unique in their own way. Their differences could consist of their academic ability, athletic ability, cultural background, personality or religious beliefs, the list is endless. Teachers at Stanah value diversity and we model this attitude to our pupils.

What do we do to encourage, value, and promote diversity?

  • Our school rules are ‘Work hard, Be Kind’. A such, we promote the value of kindness to all
  • Create a safe and respectful environment for all
  • One of our ‘Global Learning Themes’ is Diversity – it is interwoven in to the curriculum
  • Learn about pupils’ background interests and learning styles
  • Encourage discussion
  • Model, expect and value collaboration
  • Celebrate individual success
  • Self-regulation…being aware of our strengths and areas for development
  • Promoting and valuing the principals of having a ‘Growth Mindset’
  • Model and support children in asking purposeful questions about things that are different
  • We use visits and visitors to connect with others who are different to us
  • Neuro-diversity and mental health awareness are part of our curriculum offer
  • We work alongside children from more specialist educational settings
  • During the first assembly of each half term a member of the leadership team delivers an assembly covering the topics below. Class teachers then follow this up during PSHE/Circle time and a record of the learning will be placed in the PSHE book.


Autumn: Its ok to be different

Spring: Different families

Summer: Gender stereotyping